• Through the first five years of HPP’s work in Laos 30,000 people in 19 villages have been reached.

  • Facts: 800 toilets built, 38 community wells constructed and community water supply in 4 villages reestablished

Farmers' Clubs | Goat pass-on scheme

Funded by the German Embassy, HPP Laos implemented two goat pass-on projects in Bolikhan District. The idea is simple yet effective: Partcipating families receive goats and agree to pass on the first few weaned kids to other families in their community. They are also required to build a shelter for their goats to prevent diseases in the rainy season, ensure that their goats are immunised, and get them regularly checked by a vet. Additionally, the families plant and maintain feed crops for their goats in a fenced area. Goats are raised for income generation and to supplement families' diets with protein. 

The goats are vaccinated by a veterinarian

The goats are vaccinated by a veterinarian

Participants in the goat pass-on scheme with their goat production

Participants in the goat pass-on scheme with their goat production

Both goat pass-on projects have been very successful, and the communities continue to breed them: Within the first year, the number of participating families doubled, while after another year the number more than tripled. Read here about one of the participants' experience!

Projects within Child Aid

  • Child Aid | Income generation

    “Working together, supporting each other - we can earn good money on new production” HPP Laos regards promotion of income generating activities as an important part of its programmes. Even a small extra income can make a difference when saved up for covering…
  • Child Aid | School gardens

    As part of the two Child Aid projects, 10 primary schools in Bolikhamxay Province participated in the school garden programme. The aim of the school garden concept is to encourage students and teachers to produce food for their own in-school lunch meals which…

Federation Humana People to People

Humana People to People Laos and Humana Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo are members of the Federation Humana People to People.


HPP Laos & Humana FPP


Contact us

Inger Damkjaer
p: +856 20 5408 1512

Gitte Hector
p: +856 20 2254 3426 