Farmers' Clubs | Goat pass-on scheme
Funded by the German Embassy, HPP Laos implemented two goat pass-on projects in Bolikhan District. The idea is simple yet effective: Partcipating families receive goats and agree to pass on the first few weaned kids to other families in their community. They are also required to build a shelter for their goats to prevent diseases in the rainy season, ensure that their goats are immunised, and get them regularly checked by a vet. Additionally, the families plant and maintain feed crops for their goats in a fenced area. Goats are raised for income generation and to supplement families' diets with protein.
Both goat pass-on projects have been very successful, and the communities continue to breed them: Within the first year, the number of participating families doubled, while after another year the number more than tripled. Read here about one of the participants' experience!