• Through the first five years of HPP’s work in Laos 30,000 people in 19 villages have been reached.

  • Facts: 800 toilets built, 38 community wells constructed and community water supply in 4 villages reestablished

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Humana People to People Laos & Humana Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo

HPP Laos and Humana FPP are international NGOs under the global Humana People to People Federation. The Federation is a network of 30 organisations engaged in international solidarity, cooperation and development in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas. HPP Laos started with project activities in 2011, and Humana FPP started operating in 2017. Our focus areas are sustainable agriculture, health, nutrition as well as water, sanitation and hygiene. Our core theme is to work shoulder to shoulder with remote and vulnerable communities, empowering them to mobilise each other, work together and achieve the change they desire for their community.

HPP Laos and Humana FPP implement community development projects in Bolikhamxay and Khammouane Provinces. Currently, we have 45 dedicated staff, collaborating closely with government authorities at village, district and province levels as well as with project partners. Up to date, a total of 88,000 people in 180 villages have been reached.


No more smoke in the kitchen and No need for cutting wood for cooking food

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Federation Humana People to People

Humana People to People Laos and Humana Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo are members of the Federation Humana People to People.


HPP Laos & Humana FPP


Contact us

Inger Damkjaer
p: +856 20 5408 1512

Gitte Hector
p: +856 20 2254 3426 