• Through the first five years of HPP’s work in Laos 30,000 people in 19 villages have been reached.

Ms. Jizong's experience with rattan cultivation in Bolikhan District

Ms. Jizong is 52 years old. She lives in Unit 8, Khum 3, Phadai village of Bolikhan District. She head up a group of farmers growing rattan as a cash crop. In 2015, she started planting rattan in the forest, and now she has 400 plants under cultivation. To grow rattan profitably the farmer must weed, mulch and apply compost regularly. HPP Laos staff support the farmers in adopting sustainable agroforestry methods which benefit their crops and simultaneously increase farmers' understanding of the importance of forest ecosystems. After two years, the farmers can harvest their first rattan shoots and sell them in the market. They also bring rattan shoots home to complement family meals. In total, 116 families participating in a Farmers' Club project have planted rattan plants in the forest area around Ban Phadai, and many have expanded their production since.

A rattan palm planted in the forest

Women farmers establishing a rattan nursery

Ms. Jizong says: “Humana People to People has given me the rattan seeds and taught me how to make a nursery and how to plant and grow the seeds. Sale of the rattan shoots already give me a good income after 2 years. I can sell 3 shoots for 5000 kip, and I can cut shoots from the rattan plants three times a year. This year I have maintained the rattan field better than last year: taken care of weeding, mulching and giving them compost. And this year the rattans have produced more shoots. I think that in 2018, I will be able to cut 2-3 shoots once every second month in 1 the best area, and expect an income of 20.000.000 kip (2,400 USD). Production of rattan has provided very good income for me. By taking shoots from my own plants I want to expand my rattan field next year. Thanks to HPP Laos I have improved my family's well being and know how to continue to improve it even more." 

Federation Humana People to People

Humana People to People Laos and Humana Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo are members of the Federation Humana People to People.


HPP Laos & Humana FPP


Contact us

Inger Damkjaer
p: +856 20 5408 1512

Gitte Hector
p: +856 20 2254 3426 